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The Real About Me

Alright, so this is the real about me. I am an artist.

I like a lot of different types of art, and love to see works in person.

I study art.

I buy art books.

I took art lessons as a child and painted an apple tree and praying hands.

I was not good at the piano, but when handed a coloring book made it into a masterpiece of different art works even at the age of 3 or 4.

I would not stop coloring until every page was done, and I tried out every color in the box and every way of coloring.

I colored as light as possible, I colored as hard as possible, and I often outlined the illustrations in hard black before coloring the objects in.

I still do that, just on canvas and panel board and paper.

And the drawings are invisible to others and can only be seen if I color them in.

I like to copy the greats at times, exactly from pictures, and I will post the heck out of those paintings. I do not find shame in trying a technique, and I do not find shame in trying to do something another artist has done better than I can.

I know my paintings are not for everyone.

I paint because I have to, I sell them because I am not a hoarder.

I try to keep many of the paintings that have gone on to inspire larger works priced reasonable, with the larger piece bringing a larger selling price. This allows me to reach a wider audience, and I think it quite pretentious to price myself out of the affordability of my own work.

I want people to buy original and innovative works of art, and I try as much as possible to facilitate that with many of the pieces I produce. If I am attached to a work that I make, I keep it. Over the last 20 years I have kept very few of the thousands of paintings I made, but it took the other 999 for me to get the ones I own, and I am desperately attached to all of these.

The others I love as well, however, I am hoping by making this website I will find art loving individuals who can give them a good home and get attached so desperately to their own paintings, like I have the ones I proudly display in my own house.

Enjoy the art and feel free to contact me for further details, photos, or general information about any of the work posted for sale.


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